Whole School Upstander Program: Student Voice, Agency, and Leadership.

The Stand-Up Project (SUP) is designed for both primary and secondary school students.

SUP is a whole-school program aimed at reducing discrimination, harassment, and bullying through

promoting student voice, agency, and leadership.

Typically, a senior year level is educated on the causes and impacts of poor behaviour and how to be an Upstander using the Four D approach (Direct, Delay, Delegate, and Distract). Students then volunteer to become SUP Student Leaders. These leaders collaborate to identify key issues within their school and develop class plans and activities to promote Upstander behaviours.

SUP student leaders work closely with SUP facilitators to co-present Upstander sessions for teachers and families.

They also lead classes for younger students, ensuring that the program is driven by students and tailored to their school community’s needs.

In addition to the five in-person sessions, SUP offers a variety of resources and ongoing support for students, teachers, and parents, ensuring the entire school community remains engaged and committed to improving behaviours.